What kind of mom would pull a prank of this nature on an expecting mother like this, in front of everyone, during what is supposed to be a very special day?
A stay-at-home mom posted a picture of what her family's masks look like at the end of the day and people suggested she seek medical attention immediately.
This mom knows how to get through to her kids in order to make them clean the house! She takes it old school, and throws out a letter to the tune of 'Ice Ice Baby'. It's definitely an attention getter, and she still kept her cool points. Check out the full letter!
You got kids? I do. When they're tearing up the house and making too much f&^*ing noise, I do what my Momma did. Make 'em get the heck outside. And don't come back in till the streetlights come on. Good thing I don't live in La Porte, TX.