Plot Point Productions had the genius idea to put the audio of the Godzilla trailer on top of the Jurassic Park video trailer. It works surprisingly well!
Check it out!
Mash-ups can be a little bit of hit and miss, but there are occasions where the vision of the producer is just too interesting not to check out. Such is the case for the new mash-up 'Crocodile Chop,' which unites the System of a Down favorite 'Chop Suey' with Elton John's extremely upbeat and poppy '70s favorite 'Crocodile Rock.'
While it's been on the danged ole innernets for awhile now, this mashup of John Lennon's 'Imagine' and Van Halen's 'Jump' is pretty awesome! Check out 'Imagine A Jump'.
I'll be the first to say that The Dark Knight Rises and The Notebook should not be put anywhere near each other. But for some reason, this mashup surprisingly works... Check out The Dark Notebook Rises.
There have been some pretty good song mashups in the past. I believe my favorite is the Lady Gaga vs. Meshuggah. You need to search that up on YouTube if you haven't heard that one. This is Korn vs. Taylor Swift with a mashup of 'Coming Undone' and 'We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together', and yes, this does exist.
Youtuber SleepySkunk must have A LOT of time on his hands. He's taken pieces of every movie released in 2012, all 182 of them, and chopped it up into quite the spectacle. How many can you name?
And you thought mashups were just for music. Youtuber AkselDog takes scenes from the 1999 hit movies 'Office Space' and 'The Matrix,' two polar opposites, and makes them work in such a wonderful way. Especially the ending.
I'm a big fan of taking something old and making it new again. I like it when bands cover songs, I like samples, and I enjoy a good mashup from time to time. Check out this awesome mashup of John Lennon's "Imagine" mixed with Van Halen's "Jump"...
Mashups are the big thing right now, and artist Wax Audio has certainly made his mark on the scene. Here's the latest video creation; one I admit I never would have dreamt up. Enjoy!