Our receptionist, Ms. Janet, loves telling jokes! And we certainly don't mind! Listen to this one about when Wayne and John meet up to talk about Wayne's new hearing aid.
If you want to have a laugh today, then watch this video! Our receptionist, Ms. Jan(et), told us this joke, and we couldn't help but have her do it on video to share with all of you!
Before we begin, some rules and guidelines about the traits the mother in this joke shall not possess, only because of the overabundance of typical mom putdowns using these tired points of vilification toward the female parental unit.
We still don't know who's going to be the new boss on 'The Office' but could Michael Scott's sense of humor be replaced by a computer program?
Chloé Kiddon and Yuriy Brun, two computer scientists at the University of Washington, have developed software that identifies the best sentences to attach the classic amendment "That's what she said."