
Dave Grohl Tells ‘Glee’ Where To Go
Dave Grohl Tells ‘Glee’ Where To Go
Dave Grohl Tells ‘Glee’ Where To Go
I love Dave Grohl. This makes him shine even brighter in my eyes. I'm not bashing Glee. I've never watched the show. But I have read what creator, Ryan Murphy, has said about Slash and Kings of Leon that were just absurd. Good ole Dave Grohl sums it up pretty well IMO. Check out what he had to say after the jump! (Note: Some of the language is a little harsh)
Presenting…The Puking Choir Boy!
Presenting…The Puking Choir Boy!
Presenting…The Puking Choir Boy!
Not much to say about this one other than it's funny as hell! Well, funny to watch, not so funny for the kids who smell like puke. Watch the kid's face though...he almost looks proud...and he should be...I know I am.