Translation Guide to Louisiana Cajun Grocery ShoppingTranslation Guide to Louisiana Cajun Grocery ShoppingFor out-of-town grocers, here's your "Translation Guide To Cajun Grocery Shopping" so you can understand what the heck we're asking for.Michael Dot ScottMichael Dot Scott
The One Thing a Cajun Person Has to Take to the BeachThe One Thing a Cajun Person Has to Take to the BeachWhat's the one essential item Cajun individuals must bring to the beach. See what people had to say. Bernadette LeeBernadette Lee
A Fire Was Reported at the Evangeline Maid Bakery in LafayetteA Fire Was Reported at the Evangeline Maid Bakery in LafayetteThere was a fire at Evangeline Maid Bakery this morning. Bernadette LeeBernadette Lee