creepy videos

Synchronized Swimming Faces + Music = Nightmares [Video]
Synchronized Swimming Faces + Music = Nightmares [Video]
Synchronized Swimming Faces + Music = Nightmares [Video]
If you watched everything the summer Olympics had to offer, then you came across synchronized swimming. And you know just how terrifying their faces can be. If you haven't seen their faces and don't particularly care to sleep that well at night, we've got the perfect equation for nightmares...synchronized swimming faces + music = NIGHTMARES!!! Check out the video for food for your nightmares!  Rea
Snake Surprises Biker At 155 MPH [Video]
Snake Surprises Biker At 155 MPH [Video]
Snake Surprises Biker At 155 MPH [Video]
What would you do if you were, firstly, mad enough to go 155 MPH on a motorcycle, and secondly going that fast and a GD snake slides right across your arm??? Well, that happened to this biker who caught it all on video! Check out his reaction!