Woman Grabs a Crab Off The Floor, Then Throws It Into Pot [VIDEO]Woman Grabs a Crab Off The Floor, Then Throws It Into Pot [VIDEO]Watch as a woman battles with a crab that is on her floor and holding on tight to the cabinets in her home.Chris ReedChris Reed
This Woman Brought an Entire Seafood Boil on an Airplane and We Need AnswersThis Woman Brought an Entire Seafood Boil on an Airplane and We Need AnswersApparently, a woman managed to bring an entire seafood feast onto a Spirit Airlines flight and the internet has questions.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
Genius Guy Gets Crab To Open Beer For Him [Video]Genius Guy Gets Crab To Open Beer For Him [Video]Which one of you did this???JoBoJoBo