
Dennis Rodman Has An Epic Breakdown During CNN Interview [Video]
Dennis Rodman Has An Epic Breakdown During CNN Interview [Video]
Dennis Rodman Has An Epic Breakdown During CNN Interview [Video]
We all know that former NBA player Dennis Rodman is not 'all there'. From cross-dressing to his recent visits to North Korea and his friendship with North Korea's supreme leader, Kim Jong-un, Rodman is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Outtakes Of Addy, The Stoned Test Driver [Video]
Outtakes Of Addy, The Stoned Test Driver [Video]
Outtakes Of Addy, The Stoned Test Driver [Video]
Earlier this week, we showed you a video of people test driving automobiles while stoned on marijuana to see if weed really makes you impaired to drive. The one driver that caught the eye of many people was Addy, the girl who showed up to the test stoned. She is something else, so here is a video of the outtakes of her test driving skills!
CNN Unintentionally Creates Humor While Testing Drivers Who Are Stoned –  [Video]
CNN Unintentionally Creates Humor While Testing Drivers Who Are Stoned – [Video]
CNN Unintentionally Creates Humor While Testing Drivers Who Are Stoned – [Video]
  CNN did a story on how smoking marijuana could affect peoples driving skills. They took the current legal limits enforced in Colorado and Washington and had the three subjects, a 27 year old heavy daily user, a 34 year old weekend user, and a 56 year old non habitual user, smoke marijuana and get behind the wheel of a car on a closed course with a driving instructor and police watching from the
Royal Teeth Play SXSW – Featured On CNN [Video]
Royal Teeth Play SXSW – Featured On CNN [Video]
Royal Teeth Play SXSW – Featured On CNN [Video]
Royal Teeth, who are essentially from Lafayette and New Orleans all at once if you can comprehend that, recently played Austin's HUGE SXSW festival. CNN featured one random band that was playing the festival and took took Twitter to find them. That one band was Lafayette/New Orleans own Royal Teeth! Check out the CNN feature video after the jump!
Anderson Cooper Attacked In Egypt
Anderson Cooper Attacked In Egypt
Anderson Cooper Attacked In Egypt
"Anderson said he was punched 10 times in the head as pro-Mubarak mob surrounded him and his crew trying to cover demonstration." CNN producer Steve Brusk tweeted. Cooper then escaped to the roof of a nearby building, where he said on air that he and his crew were trying to get to a neutral zone between protesters and pro-Mubarak supporters when they "were set upon by pro-Mubarak su

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