In the Grand Theft Auto series of games, if you really, really piss off the cops, they track you down and ram your car repeatedly, almost unnecessarily at times.
A car chase recently in Albany, Ga., was very similar to the video games.
High-speed chases are pretty boring these days.
Typically, cops chase a car for an extended period of time and nothing really great happens. Sure, sometimes they end with a crash, but for the most part, they're not nearly as exciting to watch as they once were.
Luckily, this crazy motorcyclist is here to rescue us from the mundane.
How often can you say you were chased by a giraffe? Well, the woman in the video below can definitely say that now! Watch as the woman, who looks scared for her life, is being chased by a giraffe, Jurassic Park style! What can we call this? Giraffic Park?
Why do most of the coolest commercials come from Australia? I have no idea. But this is probably one of the coolest beer commercials I have seen in a long time. It is for Carlton Draught and involves one of the most epic chase scenes ever shot on film! It also seems like they are also advertising to not drink and drive which is a great subliminal subplot. You can watch this commercial here!
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