A Louisiana woman has taken to Facebook in a desperate search for a piece of her late father's legacy—a cherished LSU jacket mistakenly donated to Goodwill.
For a gal named Carrie White, she's sure got a lot of red on her.
Watching Kimberly Peirce's 'Carrie' is an odd experience. If you've seen Brian De Palma's version from 1976, this new version is - and there's really no point in denying this - like watching a cover band. There's a tweaked scene here and there (including a new, creepy-as-heck opening) plus the addition of cell phones and references
What would you do if you saw an individual with telekinesis, which is the ability to move objects with your mind, freak out and started causing havoc? Well, since the remake of Stephen King's 'Carrie' hits theaters this month, an experimental prank was made to see how people would actually react in such a situation. Watch the outcome and how they made it possible here.
You know we’re big fans of Chloë Grace Moretz, so naturally we were already willing to watch ‘Carrie,’ the upcoming horror remake in which she stars, no matter how bad the movie looked. Luckily, the new trailer for the psychological horror flick is hitting all the right bloodcurdling notes.
The 'Carrie' remake trailer doesn't seem to be holding anything back. We don't mean that it's extra gory, we mean this trailer seems to show pretty much everything that happens in the movie. Perhaps the events will be a surprise for those kids who never saw the original (or read the book), but most of the big events are here.
Though it's light on footage, the teaser trailer that debuted at New York Comic Con 2012 for the upcoming remake of 'Carrie,' starring Chloe Grace Moretz and Julianne Moore, is pretty awesome. It showcases the wreckage from a Prom night gone bad that has left many dead and wounded.
I might be in the minority on this, but I like movie remakes. They might not all be good, but I enjoy seeing new interpretations on some of my favorite movies. I'm excited to see this remake of the horror classic "Carrie". Here's a couple of stills from the movie of Chloe Moretz and Julianne Moore as Carrie and her crazy ass mom...