cajun culture

Shocking Cajun Movie Scene
Shocking Cajun Movie Scene
Shocking Cajun Movie Scene
Today I learned about about a movie called "Southern Comfort" from 1981 that is packed full of South Louisiana Cajun goodness. The movie seems to do a fantastic and fairly accurate job of portraying what the Cajun lifestyle is all about. That's actually what a lot of people were shocked by when the movie was released. It's was a little too real for some folks, or at least this one particular scene.
The Extra Cajun 'S'
The Extra Cajun 'S'
The Extra Cajun 'S'
From time to time I notice how some of us just butcher words or our dialect kicks in and we just really make a word our own. And then there are times when to add to words -- like the always popular superfluous "S"!
Scandalous History Of 'Pinhook'
Scandalous History Of 'Pinhook'
Scandalous History Of 'Pinhook'
Pinhook Rd in Lafayette is one of the busiest roads in the Hub City. Countless motorist travel the road everyday and just like me, never really give any thought as to why it's called Pinhook Rd. What is a Pinhook? Is it the last name of an Acadiana dignitary from the past? Well, turns out the origin of the name "Pinhook" is a bit of a hot mess...and a slight testament to good ole Cajun ingenuity.
Most Earthly Cajun Place
Most Earthly Cajun Place
Most Earthly Cajun Place
Acadiana is one of the most unique places on earth, and our history of and culture is just as unique. Warren Perrin is a true champion for Acadiana who continuously fights to preserve our rich Cajun history. In this video, watch Perrin tell the story of the Acadian people's exile, struggle, and eventual arrival to South Louisiana.
6 Cajun Adaptations Of Classic Children’s Fairy Tales You Might Not Know Exist [Pictures]
6 Cajun Adaptations Of Classic Children’s Fairy Tales You Might Not Know Exist [Pictures]
6 Cajun Adaptations Of Classic Children’s Fairy Tales You Might Not Know Exist [Pictures]
Today, a friend and I were joking around making Cajun versions of classic fairy tales like "Jack And The Beanstalk", "Goldilocks And The Three Bears" and more. After I got home from work, I decided to get on the Google to see if anyone else had the same ideas we did. As I found out, there are indeed quite a few Cajun adaptations of classic children's fairy tales, and they look fantastic.
Cajuns Want To Hear
Cajuns Want To Hear
Cajuns Want To Hear
The whole thing would be much easier for us all to choose in South Louisiana if they were making some of these promises, don't you think? If any of the candidates could pull some of these off, they'd definitely get my vote!
Cajun Blue Bell Flavors
Cajun Blue Bell Flavors
Cajun Blue Bell Flavors
Blue Bell just announced their new Dr. Pepper flavor ice cream, and we can't wait to try it. That got us thinking, what if Blue Bell released some South Louisiana-inspired flavors? If they did, it might look a little something like this...
Lafayette 'Best City In America'
Lafayette 'Best City In America'
Lafayette 'Best City In America'
No doubt about it, I love living in Lafayette and Acadiana. I love it so much, I've never truly considered living anywhere else. It's hard to define what makes this place so irresistible to me. Is it the food? Is it the culture? Is it the music? When I start to try and put a finer point on it, I keep thinking of more reasons I love it here so much. Come to find out, the folks over at feel the same way, and are calling Lafayette "The Best City In America".
20 Most Cajun Things Ever!
20 Most Cajun Things Ever!
20 Most Cajun Things Ever!
We were surfing through one of our favorite websites today when we came across a list of the 29 Most Austin Things That Ever Happened. That got us to thinking... what were the most Cajun things that ever happened? After some careful deliberation, we think we've got a pretty definitive list.
5 Signs You're From Acadiana
5 Signs You're From Acadiana
5 Signs You're From Acadiana
When you grow up in Acadiana, certain things we say and do become second nature. Almost like breathing, we might let out a random "Mais La" or a "Come see". I know it's hard to imagine, but people don't do these things in other parts of the country.

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