If you suddenly woke in someone's house, not knowing them, or knowing where you are, could you figure out if the people who lived there were from Acadiana?
During WWII, young Cajun and Creole soldiers suddenly found themselves in crucial, invaluable roles that quite literally helped obtain victory in Europe.
In Acadiana you'll find hundreds of Cajun last names like Landry, Broussard, Hebert, LeBlanc, and many more. But, what do those Cajun Last Names actually mean?
From the Boudreauxs to the Thibodeauxs, to the Robins to the Comeauxs, South Louisiana and Acadiana have the Cajun last name market cornered. Wait, is there even a market for that?
Last week, we covered the most common Cajun last names in Louisiana. That got us thinking, what would the least common Cajun last names be? If you have one of these last names, consider yourself pretty unique. It also means your family was one of the first Acadians in South Louisiana.
In 1986 "Belizaire the Cajun" was released in theaters around the U.S. UL has announced a special celebration to commemorate the film's 35th anniversary.