La. Governor Bobby Jindal's campaign for President took an interesting turn yesterday as he bashed fellow Republican candidate Donald Trump during a speech at the National Press Club.
Louisiana governor and Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal signed a bill that will provide all residents of Louisiana access to medical marijuana. Senate Bill 143 will allow people suffering from cancer, glaucoma and a severe form of cerebral palsy to use marijuana for medicinal purposes.
The only people that will benefit out of this legislation are the lawyers. Which in terms of a Hollywood movie is the ending we have seen way too many times in Louisiana.
Governor Bobby Jindal has declared a state of emergency in preparation of severe weather forecast to move through parts of Louisiana today and tomorrow.
Two time Pulitzer prize winning cartoonist, Walt Handelsman, has made a cartoon that let's everyone know where he stands on Gov. Bobby Jindal. And he's definitely not the only one who feels that way. Watch 'Bayou Bobby'.
The State of Louisiana, Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, the Louisiana Department, the Tiger Truck Stop and it's owner Michael Sandlin are being sued by an animal rights group and a former state legislator over the law signed by Governor Bobby Jindal allowing Tony the Tiger to be an attraction at Tiger Truck Stop.