anderson cooper

Anderson Cooper Receives Package From Ex-LA Cop, Murder Suspect
Anderson Cooper Receives Package From Ex-LA Cop, Murder Suspect
Anderson Cooper Receives Package From Ex-LA Cop, Murder Suspect
Law enforcement officials are investigating a package that was received by none other than Anderson Cooper. Supposedly sent by the ex-LA cop who is still on the loose after murdering 3 people. There's a couple of things of note...keep reading to find out what they are.
Anderson Cooper Attacked In Egypt
Anderson Cooper Attacked In Egypt
Anderson Cooper Attacked In Egypt
"Anderson said he was punched 10 times in the head as pro-Mubarak mob surrounded him and his crew trying to cover demonstration." CNN producer Steve Brusk tweeted. Cooper then escaped to the roof of a nearby building, where he said on air that he and his crew were trying to get to a neutral zone between protesters and pro-Mubarak supporters when they "were set upon by pro-Mubarak su