When you look at the picture up above (or to the left if you're on our homepage) what do you see? A photograph of Morgan Freeman is what your brain registers. It is, however, a finger painting done on an iPad using the program ProCreate by UK artist Kyle Lambert. It took 200+ hours to complete. Watch the time lapse video to see it come to fruition!
There's lots of great golf shots floating around the dang ole innernets. I don't think there's one quite like this though! I promise it's not what you think. Check out the most amazing golf shot EVER!
The Guitar Center Drum-Off contestant Aric Improta who competed last year has the craziest drum solo you will ever see! He starts off light, then kicks in about the 1 minutes mark. Then keeps building! For 5 whole minutes! I can barely keep a simple beat (read: I can't even do that) much less do what this guy is doing...
These guys take beer passing to a whole 'nutha level. The "Almost Twins" break from the ordinary to master the beer pass trickshot with slingshots, trampolines and more. Now, if only they could do something about spraying half the beer everywhere when it's opened...
Prepare to have your mind BLOWN! First Tupac, and now this! This is a display in a TOY STORE...It's mind blowing. It's intergalactic. It's Star Wars toys that have badass holographic battles! Check out the video of the display after the jump!
This man is a genius. His talents should be in the auto industry designing better more efficient cars. Just imagine this guy’s brain!
I hope there are some of these wandering around in Gulf Shores when I go.