South Louisiana May Soon Get First ‘Cold Front’ of The Season
Get the gumbo pots out.
Our media partner at KATC, Rob Perillo, reported about a week ago that we may see a "cold front" push further south by mid-September.
Fast forward a few days and it now looks like much of south Louisiana will indeed get a break in the heat and humidity.
While some of the summer months may not have been as hot as in previous years, any break in the temperatures and humidity is welcome.
Rob's forecast calls for the front to arrive here early next week, and we may actually have some mornings in the 60s.
While this won't be the strongest cold front of the season it is a start and I hope that it is enough to push out some of the love bugs that are swarming across much of the state.
If you are wondering, summer officially ends on September 22nd.
Now, we wait and hope that the front continues to push further south as we freshen up our favorite jackets and remove the gumbo pots we've stored away.