Daniela Liverani, a Scottish backpacker traveling through Southeast Asia, returned home with frequent nosebleeds. She thought it was from a motorcycle accident, but it was something completely different!

When she returned home to Edinburgh, Scotland, she noticed a giant lump in her nose that she thought was congealed blood from a motorcycle crash. Come to find out, it was a leech in her nose that was three inches long and sticking out of her nostrils!

Liverani told the Sunday Record:

I tried to blow him out and grab him but I couldn’t get a grip of him before he retreated back up my nose. When I was in the shower, he would come right out as far as my bottom lip and I could see him sticking out the bottom of my nose. So when that happened, I jumped out of the shower to look really closely in the mirror and I saw ridges on him. That’s when I realized he was an animal.


She was then rushed to the hospital to have it removed. As the doctor was attempting to remove it, it kept tugging at her nose which led to much pain. The doctor told her if she wouldn't have gone to the hospital to have it removed, it would have made it's way to her brain.

The doctor successfully removed the three-inch long leech from her nose, which she then named it Mr. Curly. She said that it probably got in her nose when she was swimming in Vietnam. Click the button below to see the leech!


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