What would you do if you were driving down the road in the middle of the night, say 2:30 AM, and human body parts fell into the road? People in Saudi Arabia had this happen! Keep reading to find out what the cause may be.

Honestly, they aren't sure exactly why or where the human body parts came from, but here's what authorities are thinking...From Inquisitr:

It is unknown if the remains were connected to an emergency landing on Sunday, when a Saudi Arabian Airlines craft was forced down due to complications in the wheel bay. The plane possibly connected to the incident was carrying 315 passengers to Mashhad in Iran when a wheel malfunction forced it to land in Medina, inuring 29 people.

It is not unheard of to find people attempting to stow away in the landing gear compartment to get across a border. Those people don’t usually survive the cold temperatures that ensue when the plane achieves flight, freezing to death before they even arrive.


At this point, they can't conclude that the human remains were from a stowaway. So, the origin of the body parts remains unknown.

What if it wasn't a stowaway? Why the hell else would a body fall from the sky? Did they make sure it didn't have a note on it, like in Con Air?

Here's a grainy picture that has been circulating around Saudi news outlets.


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