Remember the game Battle Ship? It's been reincarnated as a drinking game, and you can play tonight at Outlaws! It's easy to play, and now the fun's been kicked up a notch...cause there's alcohol!

The rules? "Each player has their own tiled board (10 squares by 10) and positions their ships secretly around the board.  Each square on the board has a unique location; the vertical rows are labeled A through J, and the horizontal columns are labeled 1 through 10.  Each player takes turns naming squares that they think is occupied with part of an opponents’ ship.  To name, they name a vertical row and a horizontal column (i.e A10 or E3) which is how squares are named.  If the square is occupied, the opponent calls out “Hit!” and if it is not occupied, it’s a “Miss!”

In Battle Shots, each player gets 4 ships of varying length: one that is 5 squares long, 4 squares, 3 squares, and 2 squares.  Each square of the ship is represented by a shot glass filled with alcohol (we recommend beer unless you are playing with a lot of teammates).  When your opponent names a square that is occupied by a shot glass, call out “Hit!” and drink the shot and put the glass away.  When all the shots that represented any given ship have been consumed (such as 4 in a row) then you must call out “You sunk my ship!”

Check it out tonight at Outlaws!

Thanks to best drinking games for the rules.

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