Don’t mess with James Hetfield when he’s on vacation and trying to ride a moped with his son. We already know that the Metallica frontman rocks, but now he throws ‘em, too! Hetfield and his family retreated to Punta del Este, Uruguay to celebrate the Christmas holiday and enjoy a little R&R. That didn’t stop the paparazzi in the country from tailing the frontman and that’s when things got a little heated. That’s also when the rock throwing came into play!

According to Starfeine, which posted photos of the shorts-clad, visibly irritated musician tossing stones at snappers, Hetfield was simply trying to take a moped ride in the countryside with his young song Castor. The tailing snappers would not let James and Castor be, so the elder Hetfield confronted them and tossed some rocks at the photographers in effort to deter them. Hetfield also appeared to be getting all up in the grill of a photographer in another one of the photos.

While many might feel that public figures should accept paparazzi as a fact of life, Hetfield was trying to enjoy some family time, which he has a right to. He was also in a region where he hoped he’d be far away from flashbulbs. It’s not like he was hanging out in West Hollywood, which is crawling with celebs and paps!

Check out photos of the confrontation here.

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