Meet Laura, The Busty YouTube Junkie [VIDEOS]
YouTube has brought the internet so many things. Every day you can check out scenes from your favorite movies, adorable cat videos, or a tutorial on how to carve your very own authentic canoe. It’s true, YouTube has brought us these wonderful things–but it has also unleashed a new generation of user. We’ll refer to them as the ‘MeTubers.’
Meet Laura, a classic ‘MeTuber.’ She’s just like any normal young girl — She goes to school, she hangs with friends, and she posts up to twenty YouTube videos a day with her breasts hanging out. No big deal. She maintains five YouTube channels, mostly consisting of various video replies to the happenings of the world. The LauraTickled channel has 13,509 subscribers, LauraSparkling has 19,136 subscribers, LauraPlusky has 3,347 subscribers, LaurasTherapy has 3,821 subscribers and LauraDefined has 10,037 subscribers. Sure, there could be overlap, but we did the math (via calculator) and that comes out to almost 50K YouTube fans. More people watch Laura than they do NBC.
After hours of painstaking research, we’d like to present the ‘best’ of Laura’s videos. We’ll let you decide the definition of the word ‘best.’ Some of the videos are NSFW for language and floating poopie. You’ll see.
Let’s start off simple. This is a music video to the song ‘Fight to be Perfect’ featuring clips of her ‘being emotional,’ obsessing over fictional character Tate Langdon, and sexily rolling her hips around in an attempt to lure YouTube viewers into her clutches.
Want to know what Laura bought at the mall last month? Neither do we, but boy do we love watching her attempt to look sexy while dancing to Lady Sovereign’s ‘Love me or hate me.’
Laura attempts to create a touching parody to Rob Thomas’ ‘Someday,’ but it really only results in 1) Her smoshing her boobs together, 2) her terrible singing, and 3) a photo of poop placed over the face of one of her “haters.” Oh did we fail to mention she sits on a toilet at one point?
As you can imagine, Laura receives many hateful comments ranging from viewer’s disappointment that she won’t show her rack to their general hate for her rants. You would think Laura would be hurt by these comments, but no. She sees this as the famous life.
Finally. If you have twenty-three minutes to kill (as you prepare your YouTube rebuttal to these rebuttals), and if you want to just see how possibly unstable this young lady might be, simply click over to LauraTherapy. This is where she posts long therapeutic videos in order to give her viewers a better glimpse of the girl behind the gyrating. Fascinating.