superman vs. batman
DC Comics/Warner Bros.

Henry Cavill is starring as Kal-El himself, Superman, in the upcoming, sure to be a mega blockbuster, Man of Steel. He says that he would love to see a Superman/Batman movie happen. Would they be teaming up or going head to head? Keep reading to see what Cavill had to say on it.

From SFX:

"I think it would be really interesting with the age-old Batman/Superman conflict," he tells SFX, "because they are two different sides of the same coin and their methods are entirely different. And I think it would actually make for an interesting story as to why, first of all, they were going head to head and how. I think that would make a great story."


So could a partnership between Dark Knight and Last Son of Krypton be the next step in the heroes' conquest of the big screen?


"Who knows," says Cavill. "I’m sure there’s all sorts of ideas being thrown around at Warner Bros right now."


The caped titans nearly teamed on screen in 2004. Wolfgang Petersen was set to direct Batman Vs Superman, one of a number of stumbling attempts at resurrecting the Kryptonian franchise before 2006's Superman Returns.


What do you think? Would you like to see a Superman/Batman movie happen?

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