It won't be as loud at this Christmas parade.

The organizers of the annual Christmas parade in Gonzales have decided to not allow some floats to play music while in the parade.

I saw a number of folks talking about this possibility on social media, and now the Advocate reports that most floats in the Gonzales Christmas parade will not be allowed to have music playing from them.

The reasoning for this decision centers around float members in the past playing explicit lyrics from their respective float. And no, this is not just isolated to the Gonzales Christmas parade.

Organizers say that they are tired of fighting with those in the parade and that they've heard enough complaints from parents with kids watching the parade.

Therefore, the only music in the parade will come from marching bands and from the one float that has Santa on it.

Macy's Annual Thanksgiving Day Parade
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One person told the Advocate that her float often played clean Zydeco music for the parade and that she feels this new rule will diminish the fun of the parade.

As you may expect, feelings are split on this decision to ban music from the floats in the annual Christmas parade.

Some say that it is long overdue, while others say that they will no longer attend the parade as they feel floats without music isn't much fun.

The Advocate reports that some feel like a certain group of people and music are being targeted in this latest decision/

Sadly, we've heard floats around here in various parades play explicit lyrics from them and there really is no place for that in a public setting.

Apparently, those who organize the Christmas parade in Gonzales have heard enough too, and here's where the new rule comes in.

If you'd like to comment on this decision feel free to do so in the comment section on the social media page that linked you to this story.


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