There are many different ways to cook your Thanksgiving turkey. You can fry it, inject it, smoke it, and more.

However, have you ever tried spatchcocking your Thanksgiving turkey? Are you asking yourself "What the heck is spatchcocking?"

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What Is Spatchcocking?

Have you ever heard of spatchcocking?

When you think about it, it's not nearly as strange as it sounds.

You surely know how to butterfly shrimp, right?

Well, basically spatchcocking turkey is pretty much the same thing.

That's right, you can butterfly a butterball.

Spatchcocking a turkey, or any poultry for that matter, is a cooking technique that involves removing the backbone and flattening the bird before roasting or grilling it.

spatchcocked turkey
Staff Photo

The Benefits Of Spatchcocking

Spatchcocking allows the turkey to cook more quickly and evenly because it lies flat, and the heat is distributed more evenly across the meat. This can help you reduce cooking time significantly.

Spatchcocking a turkey also exposes more of the bird's skin to direct heat, which can result in a crispier skin.

For a lot of people, the skin is one of the favorite parts of the turkey, so spatchcocking can definitely enhance the texture and flavor of the turkey skin.

Volunteers Provide Thanksgiving Meal To The Needy
(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

In addition to the reasons above, says that spatchcocking your turkey also leads to easier carving, more even cooking, and saves on space.

There's also the argument that spatchcocking is a more flavorful way to cook a turkey.

When the turkey lies flat, it's easier to add herbs, seasonings, or marinades under the skin and directly onto the meat, which can enhance the flavor of the bird.

spatchcocked turkey
Staff Photo

How To Spatchcock A Turkey

Spatchcocking a turkey, or any poultry for that matter, is a cooking technique that involves removing the backbone and flattening the bird before roasting or grilling it.

To spatchcock the turkey, you need to remove the backbone.

Locate the spine, which runs along the back of the turkey from the neck to the tail.

Then, using kitchen shears or poultry scissors, cut along one side of the spine from the neck end to the tail. Repeat on the other side of the spine to completely remove it.

Once the backbone is removed, open the turkey like a book. You may hear a crack as you flatten it. Press down on the breastbone with the heel of your hand to help flatten it further.

Next, just season your newly spatchcocked turkey the way you want and you're ready to get that bird cookin'.

Below is a video showing more about how to spatchcock your turkey and how to cook it once you've got it prepped and seasoned.

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