Every year the state of Louisiana welcomes millions of visitors to our state. Statistics provided by the Louisiana Travel Association estimate that some 43 million guests will visit our state over the course of a calendar year. We certainly want those guests to leave the state with a favorable impression. And that is where you can make a difference not only in what Louisiana visitors see but what those of us who live here have to look at every day.

David McNewty, GettyImages

Litter is a huge problem in Louisiana but it doesn't have to be. I recently visited the country of Singapore and they take litter very seriously. Because they do, you can almost eat directly off the streets it is so clean. Of course, the litter laws in Singapore are strict, with a fine of $1,000 or more, and then there is jail time or public beatings. Those kinds of threats will make you find a garbage can for your hamburger wrapper.

In Louisiana, so far, we don't have public beatings for litter violations but we now have the ability to self-report those who might "trash" our state. Were you aware of Louisiana's Litter Hotline?  The number is 855-LA-LITTER.

Acadia Parish Litter Abatement 1
Photo courtesy of Acadia Sheriff's Office

When Should You Call Louisiana's Litter Hotline?

When you see someone littering is the short answer. Now that littering could come in the form of someone physically tossing trash out the window of their car. Or, maybe you've observed trash blowing out of the bed of a pickup truck. Anytime you see someone trashing Louisiana, you need to call.

What Information Is Needed to Report a Louisiana LItter Violation?

All calls to 855-LA-LITTER are handled by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife. They request that if you can safely snap a photo, that would be the best evidence they could use to make their case against a litterbug. If you can't get a photo then get the make and model of the vehicle in question. It is also suggested that you get the vehicle's license plate number or details.

submitted photo from St. Landry Parish Government
submitted photo from St. Landry Parish Government

Once your report has been filed the information will be vetted and the offender will receive at the very least a warning about their actions. If there is enough corroborating evidence then a citation could be issued. It's estimated that Louisiana spends $94 million on litter in the state. That is money that could be used for other projects if we just self-policed ourselves and took a few minutes to find a trash can.

It is our understanding that you may remain anonymous for any reports that you file with the Louisiana Litter Line.

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Gallery Credit: Stephanie Crist