This all stems from a restaurant in Del Mar, California where Drew only tipped $3 on a bill that was $74.41. It was only a pick up order though.The person who leaked the receipt online is believed to be the person who simply bagged the order, a young lady named Carissa.

The website, The Blaze, actually spoke to the manager of the joint to see if this young lady was in hot water over the incident and if it indeed was Drew who the order belonged to. Here was his reply:

“I can’t verify the authenticity of this receipt,” he said.

But he added: “I just can say that if this was an authentic receipt, just looking at it, I can tell it’s take-out order and that that would be a generous tip.”

I’m not sure about this myself. I would think that Drew is a pretty generous guy. What do YOU think? Is he being cheap?


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