Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office Warns Students About Toilet Papering Homes
You've been warned.
I feel like we talk about this every year now, but if you're going to toilet paper someone's home during Homecoming week at your school, there could be legal consequences.
The Iberia Parish Sheriff's Office says in a public Facebook post, "It’s Homecoming Week at several schools in Iberia Parish. Rolling or toilet-papering a house or yard is a common tradition, however, it can be a violation of the Louisiana Criminal Damage to Property statute, (LA Revised Statute 14:56.)"
In their post on Facebook, the department says that they will investigate incidents if warranted and violators will be prosecuted.
Often these types of pranks start off innocently, then the damage is done to the property. Last year paint and raw eggs ended up on a house and on a car, and that's when legal issues seem to arise.
We share this with you so that you are aware of the possibility of legal issues arising if you or your child takes part in this trendy homecoming prank.
A number of schools are celebrating homecomings and I've already seen a number of homes around Lafayette with toilet paper in their yards. Often additional items are placed in the yards of the student too.
Please enjoy all of the fun that comes with celebrating homecomings, but remember to be safe and avoid getting into any legal trouble. After all, is it really worth it?
Here is the entire post from the Iberia Parish Sheriff's Office.