Coming out of anesthesia has to be one of the craziest experiences you can go through. One minute you're feeling fine, the next you're getting Chaddy with your Daddy, or talking about unicorns. Now there's a subgroup on Reddit to let folks share the post-anesthesia experiences they've had or witnessed. This is one of my favorites...

"Boreal_girl talks about her husband getting his first colonoscopy:

They wheel him in and he is semiconscious and singing ‘Moon River’ at the top of his lungs (like Chevy Chase when he got the digit test). I was somewhere between mortified and on the verge of hysterical laughter. The nurses log-roll him off the gurney onto the bed where he lets out a fart that was so loud and long it didn’t even seem humanly possible. It was like an elephant farted through a tuba while standing in a culvert. It must have been 20 seconds long!

My face was scarlet and he had a wide grin and announced that ‘That’s what the doctor ordered’ and did an ‘Oh yeeeeeah!’ worthy of the Kool-Aid guy. I was slinking into my chair wishing I was invisible. One of the nurses looked at me and said that his reaction was pretty normal."

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