I think that most of us realize that we live in a pretty cool place.  The landscape, food, culture, history and joie de vivre all mix together to make the delicious gumbo we call Acadiana. Add to that the humans who live here, well, that takes living here to a whole new level.

We've seen the stories of families, neighbors, friends, church groups and strangers all coming together to help one another. There were some people helping others when their own homes were in need of attention! The Cajun Navy, the animal rescue organizations, the civic groups and restaurants cooking and delivering meals at no charge - truly a community that came together in a time of crisis.

One Facebook user (and pretty fantastic human) shared her feelings in a post that made me think about a few things.  Here's a screen shot of that post:

Facebook/Abby Patterson Guillory
Facebook/Abby Patterson Guillory

First, Abby reminded me that, as a person who has received help in the past, saying "Thank you" just didn't feel like enough. I understand what she is saying. Think about it: these people, in just a couple of days, helped to complete a task that would have taken Abby and her family weeks to complete on their own. Does a "Thank you" suffice? Let me say this: as one of the people who went to help others that were flooded (our house was spared damage), I can say this: "Yes, Abby. A thank you, knowing that it is sincere, will suffice."

Flood damage (Facebook/Abby Patterson Guillory
Flood damage (Facebook/Abby Patterson Guillory

Of course, being the person I am, I would hope that the person who received the help pays it forward. That, right there, is what keeps a community going. If you are going through a hard time, allow others to help. If others are going through a hard time, go help! Don't just offer to help: put on some gloves, grab a mask (or boots, or a shovel, or a mop - whatever the situation calls for) and help. That neighborly gesture, that show of compassion, that "I'm here with you through this" is what makes a community a community, and definitely makes Acadiana, Acadiana.

Abby and her family (Facebook/Abby Patterson Guillory)
Abby and her family (Facebook/Abby Patterson Guillory)

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