Drew Brees Delivers Waitr Food To Family [Video]
Just Drew doin' Drew.
You probably know that Drew Brees invested $10 million into Waitr just over a year ago, and earlier this month, the company was bought by the Houston Rockets owner for over $300 million.
Well, if him investing wasn't enough to show that he believes in the food-delivery service, he took time to actually deliver a Waitr order to a family yesterday (5/30).
What people needed to do in order to have the chance for Drew to deliver their order was between a certain time, insert #Drew2You in the driver's instructions. If you were selected for Drew's delivery, you would receive the message "Drew has picked up your order and is on the way."
It seems like it couldn't have happened to a better family. A grandmother surprised her grandson. His little brother was in the hospital after just having open heart surgery. So, his mom thought it would be a nice surprise for Baron. Grandma Marsha made the order and look who showed up.
Drew showed up, and little Baron was awestruck. He walks up to the door and meets the family, and learns of Baron's brother, Liam, being in the hospital and even sends out well wishes to him.
Just another in an already HUGE pile of reasons to love this guy.
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