Rock n Roll legend Chubby Checker is suing Hewlett Packard...over an app that guestimates the measurements of a man's penis. The app was named (you guessed it) 'Chubby Checker'. Keep reading for details on how much he's asking for and more.

Checker's lawyers are seeking half a billion dollars for the "irreparable damage and harm" caused by the Chubby Checker, an app for Hewlett-Packard's Palm OS platform. "This lawsuit is about preserving the integrity and legacy of a man who has spent years working hard at his musical craft and has earned the position of one of the greatest musical entertainers of all time," explained lawyer Willie Gary.

The Chubby Checker was removed from all official Palm and Hewlett-Packard listings in September 2012, the companies told WebOSNation. But an old listing for the program lays out its raison d'être: "Any of you ladies out there just start seeing someone new and wondering what the size of there [sic] member is? … All you need to do is find out the man's shoe size and plug it in and … there is no need for disappointment or surprise." The developers, a defunct studio called Magic Apps, boast of the app's international appeal: the Chubby Checker accepts UK, US and European shoe sizes.


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