Car Does Donuts During Ridiculously Entertaining Police Chase
Police chases in Los Angeles are just so, well, L.A.
Not even one week after a bizarre chase in the City of Angels, another one has raised eyebrows.
On Thursday, a driver in a Mustang led cops on a two-hour chase that, at one point, featured him doing donuts.
The chase, though, will go down as legendary. That's because aside from the donuts, the driver also stopped to put the top down and gave a peace sign to a cameraman following the chase, while the passenger stood up in his seat. A TMZ tour bus even managed to get in on the act by temporarily blocking the vehicle.
Eventually, the driver stopped the car and got on the hood before hugging witnesses, shaking hands and, because this we live in the era we do, taking selfies.
Cops eventually took the driver and his passenger into custody.
All we can say is we have come a long way since O.J.