All it takes is one not so brief attempt to drive through our state's capitol city and you will realize this place is a madhouse. Driving in Baton Rouge is like being in a horror movie at 50 plus miles an hour. That is when the traffic isn't at a dead stop because of an accident. It's those accidents and other incidents that has earned Baton Rouge the top spot on's list of the most dangerous cities in  Louisiana for drivers.

In fact Baton Rouge comes in as the second most dangerous city for drivers in the nation. The only other community that scores worse than Baton Rouge is Detroit Michigan. Having driven in Detroit I can describe it this way. It's a giant pothole filled with construction zones and desperate people.

The NerdWallet survey was based on the rate of fatal crashes, the likelihood of an accident, number of years between crashes, risk for break-ins and risk of having a vehicle stolen. According to Scott Kirkpatrick with the Capital Region Industry for Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions, or CRISIS.

It's safe to say that driving in Baton Rouge is slow, bumpy and dangerous.We obviously have a number of issues, all surrounding the same thing, how we move around this region. We have to change that and we have to do it fast.

Governor Edwards has appointed a task force to look at ways to improve traffic and driving conditions in the state's capital city. There have also been studies ordered on ways to improve traffic flow over the Mississippi River Bridge on I-10.

The obvious roadblock, no pun intended, is money. How do we pay for improvements? That will certainly be a topic that will need to be addressed sooner than later.

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