Paul Ciampanelli
Considerate Skateboarders Give Homeless Man A Ride [VIDEO]
These Drake University skaters filmed themselves giving a local homeless guy named Wes a ride on one of their longboards. Who says skateboarders are trouble-making punks?
Blind 15-Year-Old Guitarist Can Seriously Shred [VIDEO]
You’ve probably never seen a 15-year-old who could shred as impressively as Tony. And we mean any 15-year-old, not just the handicapped. Because while Tony’s chops would be impressive on their own, they’re mind-boggling once you realize he’s blind.
Barry Deley, Canadian Sports Anchor, Wins $2.5 Million Dollar Lottery Live on the Air [VIDEO]
In this hilarious clip, Barry Deley, a British-Columbian sports anchor, wins a house worth $2.5 million live on the air. When the winning name is drawn, it quickly dawns on the news team that it’s their own sportscaster, so they call him for a reaction. Turns out, he was shopping for groceries when he got the big news.
Hilarious ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Noses’ Tumblr Turns Celebrity Noses Into Cartoon Turtles
The hottest new single-topic Tumblr is Teenage Mutant Ninja Noses, which features crude portraits of the famous heroes in a half shell