After doctors misdiagnosed her, 49 year old Stacey Yepes felt like she was, again, having a stroke. So she picked up her phone and started filming what she was going through.

When she first went to the emergency room, it was because she was having trouble speaking, and felt as if her face had frozen. Obviously, she thought she was having a stroke. Tests came back clear, and doctors told her that it was just stress, and sent her home with some knowledge about stress relief.

Two days later, she again felt like she was having a stroke while she was driving. She pulled over, and picked up her phone. Here's what she filmed.

Dr. Cheryl Jaigobin, who treated Yepes, said that she's never seen anyone film themselves having a stroke before. With that evidence, doctors were able to diagnose Yepes, as she was suffering a mini-stroke.

What she was suffering is also known as TIA, or transient ischemic attack, which is different from a stroke in that it is a temporary clot that passes, and often doing no permanent damage to the brain.

Be sure to brush yourself up on stroke symptoms, and more, because strokes are a leading killer here in the US.

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