3,090 lives!

That's how much lives you, the people of Acadiana, are saving after giving blood in the #Lifefor3 Blood Drive.

"This is proof that when people pull together, wonderful things happen," says Mitzi Breaux, Donor Recruitment Supervisor with United Blood Services.

The holidays are traditionally a tough time when it comes to blood donation. Because of the hustle and bustle of the season, blood banks tend to run low on that life-giving fluid.

So, it sometimes takes creativity on the part of donor places like United Blood Services to keep that blood flowing in. The #Lifefor3 Blood Drive did that by introducing a new concept: when people donated, $3 was sent to the organization of their choice: American Cancer Society or American Lung Association.

"Together, we were able to positively impact both of these organizations with monetary donations," says Breaux.

Remember, with each pint you can save 3 lives. Acadiana gave 1,030 of them.

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