We are three weeks into the regular session of the Louisiana Legisalture and so far there has been very little action. Sure we've seen some proposal pass through committees and we've proposals die in committees, but nothing substantial has made its way through the entire legislative body.

Is this simply government working the way it was designed to work? By that I mean the process of government was supposed to be a slow and steady march through the issues facing the people. It's not supposed to be a  knee jerk reaction to some celebrities latest Facebook update.

Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat tells the Louisiana Radio Network his thoughts on why this session appears to moving at a snail's pace compared to other sessions. He suggests lawmakers need time to recover from the frenzy of the recent special session. So don't expect the calm to continue, the storm is on its way.

The bounds are just beginning, there will be plenty of activity in the next two or three weeks. We’re going to have fights over minimum wage, equal pay for women, some of the school reforms.

Pinsonat also says the debate on the TOPS program will very likely be a spirited one.There are several schools of thought on how to keep that program funded. It's the age old political question, "Do we cut the spending or do we raise the revenue"?

So legislators are going to be careful about what they do with TOPS but most of the efforts will be to reduce and at the same time protect the kids who already have TOPS.

I agree with Mr. Pinsonat, some of the issues that have only been whispered about in committee will soon face the bright spotlight of the full House and the full Senate. When that happens you can expect the gloves to come off and fireworks show to start.


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