There’s plenty to resolve by the back half of The Walking Dead Season 6, let alone new characters to introduce before Season 7, one of which we’ve already glimpsed on set. Before we meet the new big bad, Robert Kirkman offers a teases of a new comic-ripped force for good, as The Walking Dead prepares to introduce “Jesus” himself.

You’re warned of a few light Walking Dead spoilers from here on out, but as we’ve seen on set, Season 6 will soon introduce us to Tom Payne’s comic-adaptation of Paul “Jesus” Monroe, in the books an athletic badass to rival any of Rick’s crew, and representative of a mysterious new community at that. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Kirkman offered of the character’s upcoming introduction:

Jesus is just such a fun character to write in the comics. At this point in the life of the series, my thought is the apocalypse has been going on for so long, the people you encounter in your day-to-day life have to be extremely skilled. And they’ve been surviving for a reason, whether they were at a place like Alexandria that’s very safe, or they’re a great leader of their group and somewhat sadistic but in control of their group like Negan, or someone who’s an absolute, complete badass like Jesus.

He’s smart, quick, very athletic. He’s kinda been surviving on his feet. He’s going to be bringing a lot to the show. There’s some cool stuff coming with him.

There’s no telling exactly when we’ll meet the character (Rick and his had concerns of their own when last we left, let alone Daryl, Sasha and Abraham’s new friends), but stay tuned for the latest on The Walking Dead Season 6, as we approach the February 14 premiere.

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