
Crook Calls 911 On Himself [Audio]
Crook Calls 911 On Himself [Audio]
Crook Calls 911 On Himself [Audio]
A Portland, Oregon woman came home Monday night to find an intruder in her house. So she did the logical thing and called 911. Little did she know, the intruder had beaten her to the punch.
Paula Deen Riding Things
Paula Deen Riding Things
Paula Deen Riding Things
Paula Deen is no stranger to Internet memes: the Southern fried TV chef has been the butt of many a butter joke on the web. A new Deen-obsessed image blog called Paula Deen Riding Things is deliciously bizarre. The Photoshopped works feature a sunglasses-wearing, wine glass-toting Paula riding atop a variety of people, animals and objects, from "The Neverending Story" creature Falkor to
Um, Hmm…I…Hmmm
Um, Hmm…I…Hmmm
Um, Hmm…I…Hmmm
There's nothing that I could possibly add to this, so I won't even try. Here's your Monday WTF...PLEASE leave a comment and let me know what you think could possibly be the reason for such a cowboy boot.
Rooster Kills Man At Cockfight
Rooster Kills Man At Cockfight
Rooster Kills Man At Cockfight
Straight outta the "WTF?"  library. A California man attending a cockfight has died after being stabbed in the leg by a bird that had a knife attached to its own limb.