criss angel

Twisted Sister Acoustic
Twisted Sister Acoustic
Twisted Sister Acoustic
For cancer research through magician Criss Angel's foundation CrissAngelHELP, Dee Snider of Twisted Sister performed an acoustic rendition of "We're Not Gonna Take It"
Criss Angel Botches “Magic” Trick In Front Of Crowd [NSFW Video]
Criss Angel Botches “Magic” Trick In Front Of Crowd [NSFW Video]
Criss Angel Botches “Magic” Trick In Front Of Crowd [NSFW Video]
Criss Angel. Love him or hate him, he's done some impressive "magic" tricks, and has made quite a name for himself. This isn't one of his finest moments. In this video it looks like he's filming something for a TV show, and he's about 95% done with the trick when he botches it. There's at least one really unhappy lady in the crowd. Check it out!