The Cinnamon Challenge is still a pretty big thing, apparently. Just go to YouTube and type in cinnamon challenge. There's at least 7 pages of videos. What it consists of is a person eating a tablespoon of dry cinnamon without drinking any liquids for 60 seconds. Few people have been able to successfully complete the Cinnamon Challenge. Doctors are now saying that it can be bad for your health. SURPRISE!!! Keep reading to find out exactly what can go wrong. 

From Inquisitr:

...most of the people who attempt barely manage to ingest any cinnamon before beginning to cough and splutter the powder everywhere, much to the amusement of YouTube viewers.


It’s here that potential damage may result, lead researcher Dr. Steven Lipshultz explains. While some of the spice in the cinnamon challenge is indeed swallowed, inevitably, some is inhaled — and some serious problems can result. He says that those who attempt “to swallow a tablespoon of dry cinnamon, when they choke on it, it not only goes down their food pipe … they also breathe in and some of this powder goes in to their airway.”


Damage sustained during ill-fated cinnamon challenge attempts can, for instance, inflame lung tissue, leading to conditions such as pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema. Testing on rats, Dr. Lipshultz explains, revealed how the cinnamon challenge can cause lasting damage, as evidenced in research: ”


Lipshultz continued: ”It wouldn’t stop there. The inflammation led to scarring in the lungs, something called pulmonary fibrosis.”

Complications of pulmonary fibrosis include heart failure.


Have you done the cinnamon challenge?

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