A listener submitted a sign that he saw in a porta potty and the sign helps those using the restroom identify if they are dehydrated.

Yes, it is hot out, and many are not hydrating like they should while outdoors. So, when you do go into a porta potty this sign breaks down what the color of your urine means.

As you can see below, the darker your urine means you are not properly hydrated.

In addition to that bit of information, the sign showing up in various porta potties also informs you on how much water you should consume according to the color of your urine.

I think that these signs are great for those on job sites and even at festivals. Often, while partying you forget to hydrate, and these signs, as you can see below, could be a good tool to keep you safe while out in the heat.

So, drink your water or sports drink and please stay hydrated during this latest heatwave.

Listener Submitted
Listener Submitted


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