With our busy lifestyles, quiet time is an awesome thing. Unless, you're in the quietest place in the world, and in that case you could go crazy!
The longest that anyone has survived in the ‘anechoic chamber’ at Orfield Laboratories in South Minneapolis is just 45 minutes. It’s 99.99 per cent sound absorbent and holds the
Guinness World Record for the world’s quietest place, but stay there too long
and you may start hallucinating. That's right...it's so quiet you will start seeing things.

So, why the hell is this room so quiet? The room is made 3.3-foot-thick fiberglass acoustic wedges, double walls of insulated steel and foot-thick concrete.

The next question is, why make a room so quiet it will make you see things? The company’s founder and president, Steven Orfield says "‘It's used for formal product testing, for research into the sound of different
things - heart valves, the sound of the display of a cellphone, the sound of a
switch on a car dashboard."

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