The 7th annual Gumbo Cookoff to benefit Heartstrings and Angel Wings will be held in Henderson on Saturday, March 14 at Henry Guidry Memorial Park. Registration forms are now available, and will be $60 before March 1 for this fun event, which will feature music by Dustin Sonnier and Nik-L-Beer Band.Sweet Cecilia, and the Thibodeaux Family Band will also provide entertainment, and beer (and soft drinks) will be available for purchase throughout the day, served by the Henderson Volunteer Fire Dept! A T Shirt and Costume contest for the teams will also be held, with cash prizes, so get ready for some fun with that! There are plenty of activities for the kids, with face painting and a petting zoo, so make plans to bring the whole family out. Admission is $10, with kids 12 and under free. Team registration is 9:00am, with the first band coming on at noon.

Heartstrings and Angel Wings is a non profit organization that provides clothes and other hand made items for babies in Neonatal Intensive Care Units right here in Acadiana. For more info contact Colt Patin at 337-277-6745 or 337-332-4769. Items are also needed for the silent auction, so help out if you can!







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